Rarely are the clothes I make directly inspired by existing clothing; I'm more likely to be inspired by the feel of a fabric, or of my particular emotions regarding its colour. Lately, though, I'm finding myself inspired by every single thing Joan Hollaway (played expertly by the luscious Christina Hendricks) wears on Mad Men.
I'm new to the show, being the last inhabitant of the United States without cable, but so many people have raved about it that when Season One became available at our local video shack, I picked it up. And went through every episode in a week, including (like the entertainment geek I am) the cast commentaries and special features.
If you're a fan of the show, I needn't tell you that one of its brightest spots is Ms. Holloway's wardrobe. Hell, it's almost a character unto itself. Perfectly fitted wiggle dresses and pencil skirts in luxurious colours and prints, it's sexy without being slatternly; and like the rest of the show, it's redolent of the past without just being kistchy drag.
It helps that Christina Hendricks is unlike most other modern actresses, whose inability to maintain a healthy figure has left them breastless, assless, and hipless. They stalk; they don't glide. If they have curves, they're usually silicon-based, which is a poor imitation. They're not so different in silhouette than coltish teenaged boys, which is fine if that's how your boat sails. If you're like me, however, you miss the glamour (and fashion) of old Hollywood. Give me curves and innuendo over jutting collarbones and tell-all books any day.
So it's in the spirit of the glamorous past that I bring you the Holloway Dress, a dress fit for a sex kitten; perfectly tailored for a night of cocktails in a sumptuous little eatery, or any time you want to imagine yourself in a world where men and women still know how to dress themselves with panache. Goes perfectly with a side of sass and a rocking pair of peep-toe pumps.
I think Ms. Holloway would approve. :)