I was interviewed for UMSL's student paper about the fabulous Rock N Roll Craft Show!
You can read it here.
The official blog of Beqi Clothing. Good Blog for Bad Girls.
1. Tell us a little about yourself and your shop:
I am a married mother of two school age kids who are just as creative as their momma. I was raised Catholic with a strong Irish roots. My family is very superstitious and funerals were always a celebration. I think that is where I developed my love for the different ways death is viewed though out the world. It was almost natural for me to gravitate towards a holiday where death was looked at as a celebration of life.
2. What is your favorite item from your own shop?
Right now my favorite item is the Day of the Dead Elvis. (shown below)
3. Who or what gives you inspiration?
My kids, my family, my friends and the other talented artists inspire me daily. Around Halloween I get nostalgic and I get inspired over memories of Halloween's past. I also look to religious art throughout the ages and all of the Mexican folk artisans who never have received credit for their incredible work.
4. Explain your art- what exactly is it you do?
I do mostly papier mache' Day of the Dead figures. My main medium is papier mache'. It actually started with me making Halloween decorations for a Halloween party. I was trying to be frugal. I am still very frugal and use a lot of recyclable items to create the armature and bases for my pieces.
I love papier mache' because it is a multi-step process and it is so much fun
to watch a piece slowly come together. Plus again, I am a frugal artist and papier mache' is a very frugal art.
I also use polymer clay for my smaller pieces as it is easier to work with
on a smaller scale. I also make bottle cap jewelry and decorated bottle cap crosses. I try to use only bottle caps from smaller microbreweries or local, though I will use others when I run out. I don't really drink beer often so I have friends,
family, etc. save them for me.
5. What is your favorite project you've finished so far? I love my Day of
the Dead 50's style waitress.
6.Where can we find your work?
My etsy store is http://www.senoraalegremuertos.etsy.com, and
My blog is www.senoramuertos.blogspot.com
And of course look for my on facebook and fan me under Senora Muertos.
Follow us on Twitter! We're at http://twitter.com/beqiclothing, and we'd love to be your Tweet!
(The irony of using an Information Age technology to promote the fruits of a pre-Industrial Age one are not lost on me. Hee hee.)